Thursday, January 27, 2011

R1P3 - Day 17

Start weight 172.6
LDW 155.0
Today's weight 156.5
Loss .5 this is fascinating! I'm eating more than I have on maintenance and I'm still losing weight???? Considering I'm a lifetime dieter, this just goes against everything I've held sacred. To lose weight you have to not eat forever!!! Talk about your dieting taboos. I guess we'll see if it holds.....

Breakfast - 263

2 eggs
2 oz ham

Mid morning snack - 200

2 string cheeses - lite

Lunch - 255

5 oz greek yogurt
1 c blueberries
3/4 oz almonds

Afternoon snack - 413

3/4 oz almonds
1 oz tropical trail mix

Dinner - 416

3 eggs
1/2 c zucchini
1/3 c onions
1/4c cheese
1 tbls butter
5 small mushrooms

I saute the veggies in butter, then cook the eggs separately, then add to veggies mixture and top with cheese and a few dashes of Bragg's amino acids! Very quick and tasty meal.

After dinner snack - 225

5 oz greek yogurt
1/2 c blueberries
3/4 oz almonds

Total calories - 1772

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